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  1. Drop in and pay as you go

  2. All Access - Unlimited Live classes & On Demand Library

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Live Stream Classes:

Monday / Wednesday at 1:15 - 2:00 pm CT
Tabata Interval Training
This 45-minute class will raise your game. Tabata is an effective and efficient workout by improving aerobic and anaerobic capacity while increasing metabolism.

Tuesdays at 6:00 - 6:45 am CT
Early Risers - Strength Training
Strength Training
is essential at almost every stage of life! Build strong muscles and joints and improve your metabolism with this intense strength training session. In this class, you will feel like you have had a personal training session; this will start your day on the right foot!

Thursdays at 6:00 - 6:45 am CT
Early Risers - Tabata Interval Training
This will get your day started on the right foot! Tabata is an effective and efficient workout by improving aerobic and anaerobic capacity while increasing metabolism. Not to mention all the positive endorphins created with this type of workout, You WILL be ready to tackle anything that comes at you for the week!

On-Demand Library:

Join our On Demand family and workout anyplace on your own schedule!

There are hundreds of workout videos, including Tabata, Pumped Up Strength, Strength Training, Stretching, Workout Tips, and More!!!